API Reference

Zenoh Types


enum z_whatami_t

Whatami values, defined as a bitmask.


Bitmask to filter Zenoh routers.

enumerator Z_WHATAMI_PEER

Bitmask to filter for Zenoh peers.


Bitmask to filter for Zenoh clients.

enum zp_keyexpr_canon_status_t

Status values for keyexpr canonization operation. Used as return value of canonization-related functions, like z_keyexpr_is_canon() or z_keyexpr_canonize().


The key expression is canon.


The key contains a $* chunk, which must be replaced by *.


The key contains ** / *, which must be replaced by * / **.


The key contains ** / **, which must be replaced by **.


The key contains empty chunks.


The key contains a * in a chunk without being escaped by a DSL, which is forbidden.


The key contains $*$ or $$, which is forbidden.


The key contains # or ?, which is forbidden.


The key contains a $ which is not bound to a DSL.

enum z_sample_kind_t

Sample kind values.

enumerator Z_SAMPLE_KIND_PUT

The Sample was issued by a put operation.


The Sample was issued by a delete operation.

enum z_encoding_prefix_t

Zenoh encoding values. These values are based on already existing HTTP MIME types and extended with other relevant encodings.


Encoding not defined.


application/octet-stream. Default value for all other cases. An unknown file type should use this type. Z_ENCODING_PREFIX_APP_CUSTOM: Custom application type. Non IANA standard.


text/plain. Default value for textual files. A textual file should be human-readable and must not contain binary data. Z_ENCODING_PREFIX_APP_PROPERTIES: Application properties type. Non IANA standard. Z_ENCODING_PREFIX_APP_JSON: application/json. JSON format.


Application sql type. Non IANA standard. Z_ENCODING_PREFIX_APP_INTEGER: Application integer type. Non IANA standard. Z_ENCODING_PREFIX_APP_FLOAT: Application float type. Non IANA standard.


application/xml. XML.


application/xhtml+xml. XHTML.

application/x-www-form-urlencoded. The keys and values are

encoded in key-value tuples separated by ‘&’, with a ‘=’ between the key and the value.


Markup Language (HTML). Z_ENCODING_PREFIX_TEXT_XML: text/xml. Application/xml is recommended as of RFC 7303 (section 4.1), but text/xml is still used sometimes. Z_ENCODING_PREFIX_TEXT_CSS: text/css. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Z_ENCODING_PREFIX_TEXT_CSV: text/csv. Comma-separated values (CSV).


text/javascript. JavaScript.


image/jpeg. JPEG images.


image/png. Portable Network Graphics.


image/gif. Graphics Interchange Format (GIF).

enum z_consolidation_mode_t

Consolidation mode values.


Let Zenoh decide the best consolidation mode depending on the query selector.


No consolidation is applied. Replies may come in any order and any number.


It guarantees that any reply for a given key expression will be monotonic in time w.r.t. the previous received replies for the same key expression. I.e., for the same key expression multiple replies may be received. It is guaranteed that two replies received at t1 and t2 will have timestamp ts2 > ts1. It optimizes latency.


It guarantees unicity of replies for the same key expression. It optimizes bandwidth.

enum z_reliability_t

Reliability values.


Defines reliability as BEST_EFFORT


Defines reliability as RELIABLE

enum z_reply_tag_t

Reply tag values.

enumerator Z_REPLY_TAG_DATA

Tag identifying that the reply contains some data.

enumerator Z_REPLY_TAG_FINAL

Tag identifying that the reply does not contain any data and that there will be no more replies for this query.

enum z_congestion_control_t

Congestion control values.


Defines congestion control as BLOCK. Messages are not dropped in case of congestion control.


Defines congestion control as DROP. Messages are dropped in case of congestion control.

enum z_priority_t

Priority of Zenoh messages values.


Priority for Control messages.


Priority for RealTime messages.


Highest priority for Interactive messages.


Lowest priority for Interactive messages.


Highest priority for Data messages.

enumerator Z_PRIORITY_DATA

Default priority for Data messages.


Lowest priority for Data messages.


Priority for Background traffic messages.

enum z_submode_t

Subscription mode values.

enumerator Z_SUBMODE_PUSH

Defines the subscription with a push paradigm.

enumerator Z_SUBMODE_PULL

Defines the subscription with a pull paradigm.

enum z_query_target_t

Query target values.


The nearest complete queryable if any else all matching queryables.


All matching queryables.


A set of complete queryables.

Data Structures

typedef int z_zint_t

Represents a variable-length encoding unsigned integer.

It is equivalent to the size of a size_t.

typedef int z_bytes_t

Represents an array of bytes.

size_t len

The length of the bytes array.

uint8_t *start

A pointer to the bytes array.

type z_id_t

Represents a Zenoh ID.

In general, valid Zenoh IDs are LSB-first 128bit unsigned and non-zero integers.

uint8_t id[16]

The array containing the 16 octets of a Zenoh ID.

typedef int z_string_t

Represents a string without null-terminator.

size_t len

The length of the string.

const char *val

A pointer to the string.

typedef int z_keyexpr_t

Represents a key expression in Zenoh.

Operations over z_keyexpr_t must be done using the provided functions:

type z_config_t

Represents a Zenoh configuration.

Configurations are usually used to set the parameters of a Zenoh session upon its opening.

Operations over z_config_t must be done using the provided functions:

type z_session_t

Represents a Zenoh session.

type z_subscriber_t

Represents a Zenoh (push) Subscriber entity.

Operations over z_subscriber_t must be done using the provided functions:

type z_pull_subscriber_t

Represents a Zenoh Pull Subscriber entity.

Operations over z_pull_subscriber_t must be done using the provided functions:

type z_publisher_t

Represents a Zenoh Publisher entity.

Operations over z_publisher_t must be done using the provided functions:

type z_queryable_t

Represents a Zenoh Queryable entity.

Operations over z_queryable_t must be done using the provided functions:

typedef int z_encoding_t

Represents the encoding of a payload, in a MIME-like format.

z_encoding_prefix_t prefix

The integer prefix of this encoding.

z_bytes_t suffix

The suffix of this encoding. It MUST be a valid UTF-8 string.

typedef int z_value_t

Represents a Zenoh value.

z_encoding_t encoding

The encoding of the payload.

z_bytes_t payload

The payload of this zenoh value.

type z_subscriber_options_t

Represents the set of options that can be applied to a (push) subscriber, upon its declaration via z_declare_subscriber().

z_reliability_t reliability

The subscription reliability.

type z_pull_subscriber_options_t

Represents the set of options that can be applied to a pull subscriber, upon its declaration via z_declare_pull_subscriber().

z_reliability_t reliability

The subscription reliability.

type z_query_consolidation_t

Represents the replies consolidation to apply on replies to a z_get().

z_consolidation_mode_t mode

Defines the consolidation mode to apply to the replies.

type z_publisher_options_t

Represents the set of options that can be applied to a publisher, upon its declaration via z_declare_publisher().

z_congestion_control_t congestion_control

The congestion control to apply when routing messages from this


z_priority_t priority: The priority of messages issued by this publisher.

type z_queryable_options_t

Represents the set of options that can be applied to a queryable, upon its declaration via z_declare_queryable().

_Bool complete

The completeness of the queryable.

type z_query_reply_options_t

Represents the set of options that can be applied to a query reply, sent via z_query_reply().

z_encoding_t encoding

The encoding of the payload.

type z_put_options_t

Represents the set of options that can be applied to the put operation, whenever issued via z_put().

z_encoding_t encoding

The encoding of the payload.

z_congestion_control_t congestion_control

The congestion control to apply when routing this message.

z_priority_t priority

The priority of this message when routed.

type z_delete_options_t

Represents the set of options that can be applied to the delete operation, whenever issued via z_delete().

z_congestion_control_t congestion_control

The congestion control to apply when routing this message.

z_priority_t priority

The priority of this message when router.

type z_publisher_put_options_t

Represents the set of options that can be applied to the put operation by a previously declared publisher, whenever issued via z_publisher_put().

z_encoding_t encoding

The encoding of the payload.

type z_publisher_delete_options_t

Represents the set of options that can be applied to the delete operation by a previously declared publisher, whenever issued via z_publisher_delete().

type z_get_options_t

Represents the set of options that can be applied to the get operation, whenever issued via z_get().

z_query_target_t target

The queryables that should be targeted by this get.

z_query_consolidation_t consolidation

The replies consolidation strategy to apply on replies.

z_value_t with_value

The payload to include in the query. Note: This parameter has been marked as unstable: it

works as advertised, but we may change it in a future release.

typedef int z_sample_t

Represents a data sample.

A sample is the value associated to a given z_keyexpr_t at a given point in time.

z_keyexpr_t keyexpr

The keyexpr of this data sample.

z_bytes_t payload

The value of this data sample.

z_encoding_t encoding

The encoding of the value of this data sample.

z_sample_kind_t kind

The kind of this data sample (PUT or DELETE).

z_timestamp_t timestamp

The timestamp of this data sample.

typedef int z_hello_t

Represents the content of a hello message returned by a zenoh entity as a reply to a scout message.

uint8_t whatami

The kind of zenoh entity.

z_bytes_t zid

The Zenoh ID of the scouted entity (empty if absent).

z_str_array_t locators

The locators of the scouted entity.

typedef int z_reply_t

Represents the reply to a query.

z_reply_data_t data

the content of the reply.

typedef int z_reply_data_t

Represents the content of a reply to a query.

z_sample_t sample

The _z_sample_t containing the key and value of the reply.

z_bytes_t replier_id

The id of the replier that sent this reply.

type zp_task_read_options_t

Represents the set of options that can be applied to the read task, whenever issued via zp_start_read_task().

type zp_task_lease_options_t

Represents the set of options that can be applied to the lease task, whenever issued via zp_start_lease_task().

type zp_read_options_t

Represents the set of options that can be applied to the read operation, whenever issued via zp_read().

type zp_send_keep_alive_options_t

Represents the set of options that can be applied to the keep alive send, whenever issued via zp_send_keep_alive().


type z_str_array_t

Represents an array of char *.

Operations over z_str_array_t must be done using the provided functions:

  • char *z_str_array_get(z_str_array_t *a, size_t k);

  • size_t z_str_array_len(z_str_array_t *a);

  • _Bool z_str_array_array_is_empty(z_str_array_t *a);

Owned Types

Like most z_owned_X_t types, you may obtain an instance of z_X_t by loaning it using z_X_loan(&val). The z_loan(val) macro, available if your compiler supports C11’s _Generic, is equivalent to writing z_X_loan(&val).

Like all z_owned_X_t, an instance will be destroyed by any function which takes a mutable pointer to said instance, as this implies the instance’s inners were moved. To make this fact more obvious when reading your code, consider using z_move(val) instead of &val as the argument. After a move, val will still exist, but will no longer be valid. The destructors are double-free-safe, but other functions will still trust that your val is valid.

To check if val is still valid, you may use z_X_check(&val) or z_check(val) if your compiler supports _Generic, which will return true if val is valid.

type z_owned_bytes_t

A zenoh-allocated z_bytes_t.

type z_owned_string_t

A zenoh-allocated z_string_t.

type z_owned_keyexpr_t

A zenoh-allocated z_keyexpr_t.

type z_owned_config_t

A zenoh-allocated z_config_t.

type z_owned_session_t

A zenoh-allocated z_session_t.

type z_owned_subscriber_t

A zenoh-allocated z_subscriber_t.

type z_owned_pull_subscriber_t

A zenoh-allocated z_pull_subscriber_t.

type z_owned_publisher_t

A zenoh-allocated z_publisher_t.

type z_owned_queryable_t

A zenoh-allocated z_queryable_t.

type z_owned_reply_t

A zenoh-allocated z_reply_t.

type z_owned_str_array_t

A zenoh-allocated z_str_array_t.


A closure is a structure that contains all the elements for stateful, memory-leak-free callbacks:
  • context: a pointer to an arbitrary state.

  • call: the typical callback function. context will be passed as its last argument.

  • drop: allows the callback’s state to be freed. context will be passed as its last argument.

Closures are not guaranteed not to be called concurrently.

It is guaranteed that:
  • call will never be called once drop has started.

  • drop will only be called once, and after every call has ended.

  • The two previous guarantees imply that call and drop are never called concurrently.

type z_owned_closure_sample_t

Represents the sample closure.

A closure is a structure that contains all the elements for stateful, memory-leak-free callbacks.

_z_data_handler_t call

void *call(const struct z_sample_t*, const void *context) is the callback function.

_z_dropper_handler_t drop

void *drop(void*) allows the callback’s state to be freed.

void *context

a pointer to an arbitrary state.

type z_owned_closure_query_t

Represents the query callback closure.

A closure is a structure that contains all the elements for stateful, memory-leak-free callbacks.

_z_questionable_handler_t call

void (*_z_questionable_handler_t)(z_query_t *query, void *arg) is the callback


_z_dropper_handler_t drop: void *drop(void*) allows the callback’s state to be freed. void *context: a pointer to an arbitrary state.

type z_owned_closure_reply_t

Represents the query reply callback closure.

A closure is a structure that contains all the elements for stateful, memory-leak-free callbacks.

z_owned_reply_handler_t call

void (*z_owned_reply_handler_t)(z_owned_reply_t reply, void *arg) is the callback


_z_dropper_handler_t drop: void *drop(void*) allows the callback’s state to be freed. void *context: a pointer to an arbitrary state.

type z_owned_closure_hello_t

Represents the Zenoh ID callback closure.

A closure is a structure that contains all the elements for stateful, memory-leak-free callbacks.

z_owned_hello_handler_t call

void (*z_owned_hello_handler_t)(const z_owned_hello_t *hello, void *arg) is the

callback function.

_z_dropper_handler_t drop: void *drop(void*) allows the callback’s state to be freed. void *context: a pointer to an arbitrary state.

type z_owned_closure_zid_t

Represents the Zenoh ID callback closure.

A closure is a structure that contains all the elements for stateful, memory-leak-free callbacks.

z_id_handler_t call

void (*z_id_handler_t)(const z_id_t *id, void *arg) is the callback function.

_z_dropper_handler_t drop

void *drop(void*) allows the callback’s state to be freed.

void *context

a pointer to an arbitrary state.

Zenoh Functions



Defines a generic function for loaning any of the z_owned_X_t types.

  • x – The instance to loan.


Returns the loaned type associated with x.


Defines a generic function for moving any of the z_owned_X_t types.

  • x – The instance to move.


Returns the instance associated with x.


Defines a generic function for checking the validity of any of the z_owned_X_t types.

  • x – The instance to check.


Returns true if valid, or false otherwise.


Defines a generic function for cloning any of the z_owned_X_t types.

  • x – The instance to clone.


Returns the cloned instance of x.


Defines a generic function for droping any of the z_owned_X_t types.

  • x – The instance to drop.


Defines a variadic macro to ease the definition of callback closures.

  • callback – the typical callback function. context will be passed as its last argument.

  • droper – allows the callback’s state to be freed. context will be passed as its last argument.

  • context – a pointer to an arbitrary state.


Returns the new closure.


z_keyexpr_t z_keyexpr(const char *name)

Data Types Handlers

Constructs a z_keyexpr_t departing from a string. It is a loaned key expression that aliases name.

  • name – Pointer to string representation of the keyexpr as a null terminated string.


The z_keyexpr_t corresponding to the given string.

char *z_keyexpr_to_string(z_keyexpr_t keyexpr)

Get null-terminated string departing from a z_keyexpr_t.

If given keyexpr contains a declared keyexpr, the resulting value will be NULL. In that case, the user must use zp_keyexpr_resolve() to resolve the nesting declarations and get its full expanded representation.

  • name – Pointer to string representation of the keyexpr as a null terminated string.


The z_keyexpr_t corresponding to the given string.

char *zp_keyexpr_resolve(z_session_t zs, z_keyexpr_t keyexpr)

Constructs a null-terminated string departing from a z_keyexpr_t for a given z_session_t. The user is responsible of droping the returned string using z_free.

  • zs – A loaned instance of the the z_session_t to resolve the keyexpr.

  • keyexpr – A loaned instance of z_keyexpr_t to be resolved.


The string representation of a keyexpr for a given session.

_Bool z_keyexpr_is_initialized(z_keyexpr_t *keyexpr)

Checks if a given keyexpr is valid.

  • keyexpr – A loaned instance of z_keyexpr_t to be checked.


Returns true if the keyexpr is valid, or false otherwise.

int8_t z_keyexpr_is_canon(const char *start, size_t len)

Check if a given keyexpr is valid and in its canonical form.

  • start – Pointer to the keyexpr in its string representation as a non-null terminated string.

  • len – Number of characters in start.


Returns 0 if the passed string is a valid (and canon) key expression, or a negative value otherwise. Error codes are defined in zp_keyexpr_canon_status_t.

int8_t zp_keyexpr_is_canon_null_terminated(const char *start)

Check if a given keyexpr is valid and in its canonical form.

  • start – Pointer to the keyexpr in its string representation as a null terminated string.

  • len – Number of characters in start.


Returns 0 if the passed string is a valid (and canon) key expression, or a negative value otherwise. Error codes are defined in zp_keyexpr_canon_status_t.

int8_t z_keyexpr_canonize(char *start, size_t *len)

Canonization of a given keyexpr in its its string representation. The canonization is performed over the passed string, possibly shortening it by modifying len.

  • start – Pointer to the keyexpr in its string representation as a non-null terminated string.

  • len – Number of characters in start.


Returns 0 if the canonization is successful, or a negative value otherwise. Error codes are defined in zp_keyexpr_canon_status_t.

int8_t zp_keyexpr_canonize_null_terminated(char *start)

Canonization of a given keyexpr in its its string representation. The canonization is performed over the passed string, possibly shortening it by modifying len.

  • start – Pointer to the keyexpr in its string representation as a null terminated string.

  • len – Number of characters in start.


Returns 0 if the canonization is successful, or a negative value otherwise. Error codes are defined in zp_keyexpr_canon_status_t.

int8_t z_keyexpr_includes(z_keyexpr_t l, z_keyexpr_t r)

Check if a given keyexpr contains another keyexpr in its set.

  • l – The first keyexpr.

  • r – The second keyexpr.


Returns 0 if l includes r, i.e. the set defined by l contains every key belonging to the set

defined by r. Otherwise, it returns a negative value.

_Bool zp_keyexpr_includes_null_terminated(const char *l, const char *r)

Check if a given keyexpr contains another keyexpr in its set.

  • l – Pointer to the keyexpr in its string representation as a null terminated string.

  • llen – Number of characters in l.

  • r – Pointer to the keyexpr in its string representation as a null terminated string.

  • rlen – Number of characters in r.


Returns true if l includes r, i.e. the set defined by l contains every key belonging to the set defined

by r.

int8_t z_keyexpr_intersects(z_keyexpr_t l, z_keyexpr_t r)

Check if a given keyexpr intersects with another keyexpr.

  • l – The first keyexpr.

  • r – The second keyexpr.


Returns 0 if the keyexprs intersect, i.e. there exists at least one key which is contained in both of the

sets defined by l and r. Otherwise, it returns negative value.

_Bool zp_keyexpr_intersect_null_terminated(const char *l, const char *r)

Check if a given keyexpr intersects with another keyexpr.

  • l – Pointer to the keyexpr in its string representation as a null terminated string.

  • llen – Number of characters in l.

  • r – Pointer to the keyexpr in its string representation as a null terminated string.

  • rlen – Number of characters in r.


Returns true if the keyexprs intersect, i.e. there exists at least one key which is contained in both of the

sets defined by l and r. Otherwise, it returns false.

int8_t z_keyexpr_equals(z_keyexpr_t l, z_keyexpr_t r)

Check if a two keyexprs are equal.

  • l – The first keyexpr.

  • r – The second keyexpr.


Returns 0 if both l and r are equal, or negative value otherwise.

_Bool zp_keyexpr_equals_null_terminated(const char *l, const char *r)

Check if a two keyexprs are equal.

  • l – Pointer to the keyexpr in its string representation as a null terminated string.

  • llen – Number of characters in l.

  • r – Pointer to the keyexpr in its string representation as a null terminated string.

  • rlen – Number of characters in r.


Returns true if both l and r are equal, or false otherwise.

z_owned_config_t z_config_new(void)

Return a new, zenoh-allocated, empty configuration. It consists in an empty set of properties for zenoh session configuration.

Like most z_owned_X_t types, you may obtain an instance of z_owned_config_t by loaning it using z_config_loan(&val). The z_loan(val) macro, available if your compiler supports C11’s _Generic, is equivalent to writing z_config_loan(&val).

Like all z_owned_X_t, an instance will be destroyed by any function which takes a mutable pointer to said instance, as this implies the instance’s inners were moved. To make this fact more obvious when reading your code, consider using z_move(val) instead of &val as the argument. After a z_move, val will still exist, but will no longer be valid. The destructors are double-drop-safe, but other functions will still trust that your val is valid.

To check if val is still valid, you may use z_config_check(&val) or z_check(val) if your compiler supports _Generic, which will return true if val is valid, or false otherwise.


Returns a new, zenoh-allocated, empty configuration.

z_owned_config_t z_config_default(void)

Return a new, zenoh-allocated, default configuration. It consists in a default set of properties for zenoh session configuration.

Like most z_owned_X_t types, you may obtain an instance of z_owned_config_t by loaning it using z_config_loan(&val). The z_loan(val) macro, available if your compiler supports C11’s _Generic, is equivalent to writing z_config_loan(&val).

Like all z_owned_X_t, an instance will be destroyed by any function which takes a mutable pointer to said instance, as this implies the instance’s inners were moved. To make this fact more obvious when reading your code, consider using z_move(val) instead of &val as the argument. After a z_move, val will still exist, but will no longer be valid. The destructors are double-drop-safe, but other functions will still trust that your val is valid.

To check if val is still valid, you may use z_config_check(&val) or z_check(val) if your compiler supports _Generic, which will return true if val is valid, or false otherwise.


Returns a new, zenoh-allocated, default configuration.

const char *zp_config_get(z_config_t config, uint8_t key)

Gets the property with the given integer key from the configuration.

  • config – A loaned instance of z_owned_config_t.

  • key – Integer key for the requested property.


Returns the property with the given integer key from the configuration.

int8_t zp_config_insert(z_config_t config, uint8_t key, z_string_t value)

Inserts or replaces the property with the given integer key in the configuration.

  • config – A loaned instance of z_owned_config_t.

  • key – Integer key for the property to be inserted.

  • value – Property value to be inserted.


Returns 0 if the insertion is successful, or a negative value otherwise.

z_owned_scouting_config_t z_scouting_config_default(void)

Return a new, zenoh-allocated, default scouting configuration. It consists in a default set of properties for scouting configuration.

Like most z_owned_X_t types, you may obtain an instance of z_owned_scouting_config_t by loaning it using z_scouting_config_loan(&val). The z_loan(val) macro, available if your compiler supports C11’s _Generic, is equivalent to writing z_config_loan(&val).

Like all z_owned_X_t, an instance will be destroyed by any function which takes a mutable pointer to said instance, as this implies the instance’s inners were moved. To make this fact more obvious when reading your code, consider using z_move(val) instead of &val as the argument. After a z_move, val will still exist, but will no longer be valid. The destructors are double-drop-safe, but other functions will still trust that your val is valid.

To check if val is still valid, you may use z_scouting_config_check(&val) or z_check(val) if your compiler supports _Generic, which will return true if val is valid, or false otherwise.


Returns a new, zenoh-allocated, default scouting configuration.

z_owned_scouting_config_t z_scouting_config_from(z_config_t config)

Return a new, zenoh-allocated, scouting configuration extracted from a z_owned_config_t. It consists in a default set of properties for scouting configuration.

Like most z_owned_X_t types, you may obtain an instance of z_owned_scouting_config_t by loaning it using z_scouting_config_loan(&val). The z_loan(val) macro, available if your compiler supports C11’s _Generic, is equivalent to writing z_config_loan(&val).

Like all z_owned_X_t, an instance will be destroyed by any function which takes a mutable pointer to said instance, as this implies the instance’s inners were moved. To make this fact more obvious when reading your code, consider using z_move(val) instead of &val as the argument. After a z_move, val will still exist, but will no longer be valid. The destructors are double-drop-safe, but other functions will still trust that your val is valid.

To check if val is still valid, you may use z_scouting_config_check(&val) or z_check(val) if your compiler supports _Generic, which will return true if val is valid, or false otherwise.


Returns a new, zenoh-allocated, default scouting configuration.

const char *zp_scouting_config_get(z_scouting_config_t config, uint8_t key)

Gets the property with the given integer key from the configuration.

  • config – A loaned instance of z_owned_scouting_config_t.

  • key – Integer key for the requested property.


Returns the property with the given integer key from the configuration.

int8_t zp_scouting_config_insert(z_scouting_config_t config, uint8_t key, z_string_t value)

Inserts or replaces the property with the given integer key in the configuration.

  • config – A loaned instance of z_owned_scouting_config_t.

  • key – Integer key for the property to be inserted.

  • value – Property value to be inserted.


Returns 0 if the insertion is successful, or a negative value otherwise.

z_encoding_t z_encoding_default(void)

Constructs a default encoding.


Returns the constructed z_encoding_t.

z_query_target_t z_query_target_default(void)

Constructs a default query target.


Returns the constructed z_query_target_t.

z_query_consolidation_t z_query_consolidation_auto(void)

Automatic query consolidation strategy selection.

A query consolidation strategy will automatically be selected depending the query selector. If the selector contains time range properties, no consolidation is performed. Otherwise the z_query_consolidation_latest() strategy is used.


Returns the constructed z_query_consolidation_t.

z_query_consolidation_t z_query_consolidation_default(void)

Constructs a default z_query_consolidation_t.


Returns the constructed z_query_consolidation_t.

z_query_consolidation_t z_query_consolidation_latest(void)

Latest consolidation.

This strategy optimizes bandwidth on all links in the system but will provide a very poor latency.


Returns the constructed z_query_consolidation_t.

z_query_consolidation_t z_query_consolidation_monotonic(void)

Monotonic consolidation.

This strategy offers the best latency. Replies are directly transmitted to the application when received without needing to wait for all replies. This mode does not garantee that there will be no duplicates.


Returns the constructed z_query_consolidation_t.

z_query_consolidation_t z_query_consolidation_none(void)

No consolidation.

This strategy is usefull when querying timeseries data bases or when using quorums.


Returns the constructed z_query_consolidation_t.

z_bytes_t z_query_parameters(const z_query_t *query)

Get a query’s value selector by aliasing it.

  • query – Pointer to the query to get the value selector from.


Returns the value selector wrapped as a z_bytes_t, since value selector is a user-defined representation.

z_keyexpr_t z_query_keyexpr(const z_query_t *query)

Get a query’s key by aliasing it.

  • query – Pointer to the query to get keyexpr from.


Returns the z_keyexpr_t associated to the query.

z_value_t z_query_value(const z_query_t *query)

Get a query’s payload value by aliasing it. Note: This API has been marked as unstable: it works as advertised, but we may change it in a future release.

  • query – Pointer to the query to get the value selector from.


Returns the payload value wrapped as a z_value_t, since payload value is a user-defined representation.

_Bool z_value_is_initialized(z_value_t *value)

Checks if a given value is valid.

  • value – A loaned instance of z_value_t to be checked.


Returns true if the value is valid, or false otherwise.

z_owned_closure_sample_t z_closure_sample(_z_data_handler_t call, _z_dropper_handler_t drop, void *context)

Return a new sample closure. It consists on a structure that contains all the elements for stateful, memory-leak-free callbacks.

Like most z_owned_X_t types, you may obtain an instance of z_owned_closure_sample_t by loaning it using z_closure_sample_loan(&val). The z_loan(val) macro, available if your compiler supports C11’s _Generic, is equivalent to writing z_closure_sample_loan(&val).

Like all z_owned_X_t, an instance will be destroyed by any function which takes a mutable pointer to said instance, as this implies the instance’s inners were moved. To make this fact more obvious when reading your code, consider using z_move(val) instead of &val as the argument. After a z_move, val will still exist, but will no longer be valid. The destructors are double-drop-safe, but other functions will still trust that your val is valid.

To check if val is still valid, you may use z_closure_sample_check(&val) or z_check(val) if your compiler supports _Generic, which will return true if val is valid, or false otherwise.

  • call – the typical callback function. context will be passed as its last argument.

  • drop – allows the callback’s state to be freed. context will be passed as its last argument.

  • context – a pointer to an arbitrary state.


Returns a new sample closure.

z_owned_closure_query_t z_closure_query(_z_questionable_handler_t call, _z_dropper_handler_t drop, void *context)

Return a new query closure. It consists on a structure that contains all the elements for stateful, memory-leak-free callbacks.

Like most z_owned_X_t types, you may obtain an instance of z_owned_closure_query_t by loaning it using z_closure_query_loan(&val). The z_loan(val) macro, available if your compiler supports C11’s _Generic, is equivalent to writing z_closure_query_loan(&val).

Like all z_owned_X_t, an instance will be destroyed by any function which takes a mutable pointer to said instance, as this implies the instance’s inners were moved. To make this fact more obvious when reading your code, consider using z_move(val) instead of &val as the argument. After a z_move, val will still exist, but will no longer be valid. The destructors are double-drop-safe, but other functions will still trust that your val is valid.

To check if val is still valid, you may use z_closure_query_check(&val) or z_check(val) if your compiler supports _Generic, which will return true if val is valid, or false otherwise.

  • call – the typical callback function. context will be passed as its last argument.

  • drop – allows the callback’s state to be freed. context will be passed as its last argument.

  • context – a pointer to an arbitrary state.


Returns a new query closure.

z_owned_closure_reply_t z_closure_reply(z_owned_reply_handler_t call, _z_dropper_handler_t drop, void *context)

Return a new reply closure. It consists on a structure that contains all the elements for stateful, memory-leak-free callbacks.

Like most z_owned_X_t types, you may obtain an instance of z_owned_closure_reply_t by loaning it using z_closure_reply_loan(&val). The z_loan(val) macro, available if your compiler supports C11’s _Generic, is equivalent to writing z_closure_reply_loan(&val).

Like all z_owned_X_t, an instance will be destroyed by any function which takes a mutable pointer to said instance, as this implies the instance’s inners were moved. To make this fact more obvious when reading your code, consider using z_move(val) instead of &val as the argument. After a z_move, val will still exist, but will no longer be valid. The destructors are double-drop-safe, but other functions will still trust that your val is valid.

To check if val is still valid, you may use z_closure_reply_check(&val) or z_check(val) if your compiler supports _Generic, which will return true if val is valid, or false otherwise.

  • call – the typical callback function. context will be passed as its last argument.

  • drop – allows the callback’s state to be freed. context will be passed as its last argument.

  • context – a pointer to an arbitrary state.


Returns a new reply closure.

z_owned_closure_hello_t z_closure_hello(z_owned_hello_handler_t call, _z_dropper_handler_t drop, void *context)

Return a new hello closure. It consists on a structure that contains all the elements for stateful, memory-leak-free callbacks.

Like most z_owned_X_t types, you may obtain an instance of z_owned_closure_hello_t by loaning it using z_closure_hello_loan(&val). The z_loan(val) macro, available if your compiler supports C11’s _Generic, is equivalent to writing z_closure_hello_loan(&val).

Like all z_owned_X_t, an instance will be destroyed by any function which takes a mutable pointer to said instance, as this implies the instance’s inners were moved. To make this fact more obvious when reading your code, consider using z_move(val) instead of &val as the argument. After a z_move, val will still exist, but will no longer be valid. The destructors are double-drop-safe, but other functions will still trust that your val is valid.

To check if val is still valid, you may use z_closure_hello_check(&val) or z_check(val) if your compiler supports _Generic, which will return true if val is valid, or false otherwise.

  • call – the typical callback function. context will be passed as its last argument.

  • drop – allows the callback’s state to be freed. context will be passed as its last argument.

  • context – a pointer to an arbitrary state.


Returns a new hello closure.

z_owned_closure_zid_t z_closure_zid(z_id_handler_t call, _z_dropper_handler_t drop, void *context)

Return a new zid closure. It consists on a structure that contains all the elements for stateful, memory-leak-free callbacks.

Like most z_owned_X_t types, you may obtain an instance of z_owned_closure_zid_t by loaning it using z_closure_zid_loan(&val). The z_loan(val) macro, available if your compiler supports C11’s _Generic, is equivalent to writing z_closure_zid_loan(&val).

Like all z_owned_X_t, an instance will be destroyed by any function which takes a mutable pointer to said instance, as this implies the instance’s inners were moved. To make this fact more obvious when reading your code, consider using z_move(val) instead of &val as the argument. After a z_move, val will still exist, but will no longer be valid. The destructors are double-drop-safe, but other functions will still trust that your val is valid.

To check if val is still valid, you may use z_closure_zid_check(&val) or z_check(val) if your compiler supports _Generic, which will return true if val is valid, or false otherwise.

  • call – the typical callback function. context will be passed as its last argument.

  • drop – allows the callback’s state to be freed. context will be passed as its last argument.

  • context – a pointer to an arbitrary state.


Returns a new zid closure.

z_owned_hello_t z_hello_null(void)

Constructs a gravestone value for hello, useful to steal one from a callback. This is useful when you wish to take ownership of a value from a callback to z_scout():

  • copy the value of the callback’s argument’s pointee,

  • overwrite the pointee with this function’s return value,

  • you are now responsible for dropping your copy of the hello.

int8_t z_scout(z_owned_scouting_config_t *config, z_owned_closure_hello_t *callback)


Looks for other Zenoh-enabled entities like routers and/or peers.

  • config – A moved instance of z_owned_scouting_config_t containing the set properties to configure the

scouting. callback: A moved instance of z_owned_closure_hello_t containg the callbacks to be called.


Returns 0 if the scouting is successful triggered, or a negative value otherwise.

z_owned_session_t z_open(z_owned_config_t *config)

Opens a Zenoh session.

Like most z_owned_X_t types, you may obtain an instance of z_owned_session_t by loaning it using z_session_loan(&val). The z_loan(val) macro, available if your compiler supports C11’s _Generic, is equivalent to writing z_session_loan(&val).

Like all z_owned_X_t, an instance will be destroyed by any function which takes a mutable pointer to said instance, as this implies the instance’s inners were moved. To make this fact more obvious when reading your code, consider using z_move(val) instead of &val as the argument. After a z_move, val will still exist, but will no longer be valid. The destructors are double-drop-safe, but other functions will still trust that your val is valid.

To check if val is still valid, you may use z_session_check(&val) or z_check(val) if your compiler supports _Generic, which will return true if val is valid, or false otherwise.

  • config – A moved instance of z_owned_config_t containing the set properties to configure the session.


A z_owned_session_t with either a valid open session or a failing session. Should the session opening fail, z_check(val) ing the returned value will return false.

int8_t z_close(z_owned_session_t *zs)

Closes a Zenoh session.


Returns 0 if the session is successful closed, or a negative value otherwise.

int8_t z_info_peers_zid(const z_session_t zs, z_owned_closure_zid_t *callback)

Fetches the Zenoh IDs of all connected peers.

callback will be called once for each ID. It is guaranteed to never be called concurrently, and to be dropped before this function exits.


Returns 0 if the info is successful triggered, or a negative value otherwise.

int8_t z_info_routers_zid(const z_session_t zs, z_owned_closure_zid_t *callback)

Fetches the Zenoh IDs of all connected routers.

callback will be called once for each ID. It is guaranteed to never be called concurrently, and to be dropped before this function exits.


Returns 0 if the info is successful triggered, or a negative value otherwise.

z_id_t z_info_zid(const z_session_t zs)

Get the local Zenoh ID associated to a given Zenoh session.

Unless the z_session_t is invalid, that ID is guaranteed to be non-zero. In other words, this function returning an array of 16 zeros means you failed to pass it a valid session.

  • zs – A loaned instance of the the z_session_t to inquiry.


Returns the local Zenoh ID of the given z_session_t.

z_put_options_t z_put_options_default(void)

Constructs the default values for the put operation.


Returns the constructed z_put_options_t.

z_delete_options_t z_delete_options_default(void)

Constructs the default values for the delete operation.


Returns the constructed z_delete_options_t.

int8_t z_put(z_session_t zs, z_keyexpr_t keyexpr, const uint8_t *payload, z_zint_t payload_len, const z_put_options_t *options)

Puts data for a given keyexpr.

  • zs – A loaned instance of the the z_session_t through where data will be put.

  • keyexpr – A loaned instance of z_keyexpr_t to put.

  • payload – Pointer to the data to put.

  • payload_len – The length of the payload.

  • options – The put options to be applied in the put operation.


Returns 0 if the put operation is successful, or a negative value otherwise.

int8_t z_delete(z_session_t zs, z_keyexpr_t keyexpr, const z_delete_options_t *options)

Deletes data from a given keyexpr.

  • zs – A loaned instance of the the z_session_t through where data will be put.

  • keyexpr – A loaned instance of z_keyexpr_t to put.

  • options – The delete options to be applied in the delete operation.


Returns 0 if the delete operation is successful, or a negative value otherwise.

z_get_options_t z_get_options_default(void)

Constructs the default values for the get operation.


Returns the constructed z_get_options_t.

int8_t z_get(z_session_t zs, z_keyexpr_t keyexpr, const char *parameters, z_owned_closure_reply_t *callback, const z_get_options_t *options)

Issues a distributed query for a given keyexpr.

  • zs – A loaned instance of the the z_session_t through where data will be put.

  • keyexpr – A loaned instance of z_keyexpr_t to put.

  • parameters – Pointer to the parameters as a null-terminated string.

  • callback – A moved instance of z_owned_closure_reply_t containg the callbacks to be called.

  • options – The get options to be aplied in the distributed query.


Returns 0 if the put operation is successful, or a negative value otherwise.

z_owned_keyexpr_t z_declare_keyexpr(z_session_t zs, z_keyexpr_t keyexpr)

Declares a keyexpr, so that it is internally mapped into into a numerical id.

This numerical id is used on the network to save bandwidth and ease the retrieval of the concerned resource in the routing tables.

Like most z_owned_X_t types, you may obtain an instance of z_owned_keyexpr_t by loaning it using z_keyexpr_loan(&val). The z_loan(val) macro, available if your compiler supports C11’s _Generic, is equivalent to writing z_keyexpr_loan(&val).

Like all z_owned_X_t, an instance will be destroyed by any function which takes a mutable pointer to said instance, as this implies the instance’s inners were moved. To make this fact more obvious when reading your code, consider using z_move(val) instead of &val as the argument. After a z_move, val will still exist, but will no longer be valid. The destructors are double-drop-safe, but other functions will still trust that your val is valid.

To check if val is still valid, you may use z_keyexpr_check(&val) or z_check(val) if your compiler supports _Generic, which will return true if val is valid, or false otherwise.

  • zs – A loaned instance of the the z_session_t where to declare the keyexpr.

  • keyexpr – A loaned instance of z_keyexpr_t to declare.


A z_owned_keyexpr_t with either a valid or invalid keyexpr. Should the keyexpr be invalid, z_check(val) ing the returned value will return false.

int8_t z_undeclare_keyexpr(z_session_t zs, z_owned_keyexpr_t *keyexpr)

Undeclares the keyexpr generated by a call to z_declare_keyexpr().

  • zs – A loaned instance of the the z_session_t through where data will be put.

  • keyexpr – A moved instance of z_owned_keyexpr_t to undeclare.


Returns 0 if the undeclare keyexpr operation is successful, or a negative value otherwise.

z_publisher_options_t z_publisher_options_default(void)

Constructs the default values for the publisher entity.


Returns the constructed z_publisher_options_t.

z_owned_publisher_t z_declare_publisher(z_session_t zs, z_keyexpr_t keyexpr, z_publisher_options_t *options)

Declares a publisher for the given keyexpr.

Data can be put and deleted with this publisher with the help of the z_publisher_put() and z_publisher_delete() functions.

Like most z_owned_X_t types, you may obtain an instance of z_owned_publisher_t by loaning it using z_publisher_loan(&val). The z_loan(val) macro, available if your compiler supports C11’s _Generic, is equivalent to writing z_publisher_loan(&val).

Like all z_owned_X_t, an instance will be destroyed by any function which takes a mutable pointer to said instance, as this implies the instance’s inners were moved. To make this fact more obvious when reading your code, consider using z_move(val) instead of &val as the argument. After a z_move, val will still exist, but will no longer be valid. The destructors are double-drop-safe, but other functions will still trust that your val is valid.

To check if val is still valid, you may use z_publisher_check(&val) or z_check(val) if your compiler supports _Generic, which will return true if val is valid, or false otherwise.

  • zs – A loaned instance of the the z_session_t where to declare the publisher.

  • keyexpr – A loaned instance of z_keyexpr_t to associate with the publisher.

  • options – The options to apply to the publisher. If NULL is passed, the default options will be applied.


A z_owned_publisher_t with either a valid publisher or a failing publisher. Should the publisher be invalid, z_check(val) ing the returned value will return false.

int8_t z_undeclare_publisher(z_owned_publisher_t *pub)

Undeclares the publisher generated by a call to z_declare_publisher().


Returns 0 if the undeclare publisher operation is successful, or a negative value otherwise.

z_publisher_put_options_t z_publisher_put_options_default(void)

Constructs the default values for the put operation via a publisher entity.


Returns the constructed z_publisher_put_options_t.

z_publisher_delete_options_t z_publisher_delete_options_default(void)

Constructs the default values for the delete operation via a publisher entity.


Returns the constructed z_publisher_delete_options_t.

int8_t z_publisher_put(const z_publisher_t pub, const uint8_t *payload, size_t len, const z_publisher_put_options_t *options)

Puts data for the keyexpr associated to the given publisher.

  • pub – A loaned instance of z_publisher_t from where to put the data.

  • options – The options to apply to the put operation. If NULL is passed, the default options will be applied.


Returns 0 if the put operation is successful, or a negative value otherwise.

int8_t z_publisher_delete(const z_publisher_t pub, const z_publisher_delete_options_t *options)

Deletes data from the keyexpr associated to the given publisher.

  • pub – A loaned instance of z_publisher_t from where to delete the data.

  • options – The options to apply to the delete operation. If NULL is passed, the default options will be applied.


Returns 0 if the delete operation is successful, or a negative value otherwise.

z_subscriber_options_t z_subscriber_options_default(void)

Constructs the default values for the subscriber entity.


Returns the constructed z_subscriber_options_t.

z_owned_subscriber_t z_declare_subscriber(z_session_t zs, z_keyexpr_t keyexpr, z_owned_closure_sample_t *callback, const z_subscriber_options_t *options)

Declares a (push) subscriber for the given keyexpr.

Received data is processed by means of callbacks.

Like most z_owned_X_t types, you may obtain an instance of z_owned_subscriber_t by loaning it using z_subscriber_loan(&val). The z_loan(val) macro, available if your compiler supports C11’s _Generic, is equivalent to writing z_subscriber_loan(&val).

Like all z_owned_X_t, an instance will be destroyed by any function which takes a mutable pointer to said instance, as this implies the instance’s inners were moved. To make this fact more obvious when reading your code, consider using z_move(val) instead of &val as the argument. After a z_move, val will still exist, but will no longer be valid. The destructors are double-drop-safe, but other functions will still trust that your val is valid.

To check if val is still valid, you may use z_subscriber_check(&val) or z_check(val) if your compiler supports _Generic, which will return true if val is valid, or false otherwise.

  • zs – A loaned instance of the the z_session_t where to declare the subscriber.

  • keyexpr – A loaned instance of z_keyexpr_t to associate with the subscriber.

  • callback – A moved instance of z_owned_closure_sample_t containg the callbacks to be called and the

context to pass to them. options: The options to apply to the subscriber. If NULL is passed, the default options will be applied.


A z_owned_subscriber_t with either a valid subscriber or a failing subscriber. Should the subscriber be invalid, z_check(val) ing the returned value will return false.

int8_t z_undeclare_subscriber(z_owned_subscriber_t *sub)

Undeclares the (push) subscriber generated by a call to z_declare_subscriber().


Returns 0 if the undeclare (push) subscriber operation is successful, or a negative value otherwise.

z_pull_subscriber_options_t z_pull_subscriber_options_default(void)

Constructs the default values for the pull subscriber entity.


Returns the constructed z_pull_subscriber_options_t.

z_owned_pull_subscriber_t z_declare_pull_subscriber(z_session_t zs, z_keyexpr_t keyexpr, z_owned_closure_sample_t *callback, const z_pull_subscriber_options_t *options)

Declares a pull subscriber for the given keyexpr.

Data can be pulled with this subscriber with the help of the z_pull() function. Received data is processed by means of callbacks.

Like most z_owned_X_t types, you may obtain an instance of z_owned_pull_subscriber_t by loaning it using z_pull_subscriber_loan(&val). The z_loan(val) macro, available if your compiler supports C11’s _Generic, is equivalent to writing z_pull_subscriber_loan(&val).

Like all z_owned_X_t, an instance will be destroyed by any function which takes a mutable pointer to said instance, as this implies the instance’s inners were moved. To make this fact more obvious when reading your code, consider using z_move(val) instead of &val as the argument. After a z_move, val will still exist, but will no longer be valid. The destructors are double-drop-safe, but other functions will still trust that your val is valid.

To check if val is still valid, you may use z_pull_subscriber_check(&val) or z_check(val) if your compiler supports _Generic, which will return true if val is valid, or false otherwise.

  • zs – A loaned instance of the the z_session_t where to declare the subscriber.

  • keyexpr – A loaned instance of z_keyexpr_t to associate with the subscriber.

  • callback – A moved instance of z_owned_closure_sample_t containg the callbacks to be called and the

context to pass to them. options: The options to apply to the pull subscriber. If NULL is passed, the default options will be applied.


A z_owned_pull_subscriber_t with either a valid subscriber or a failing subscriber. Should the pull subscriber be invalid, z_check(val) ing the returned value will return false.

int8_t z_undeclare_pull_subscriber(z_owned_pull_subscriber_t *sub)

Undeclares the pull subscriber generated by a call to z_declare_pull_subscriber().


Returns 0 if the undeclare pull subscriber operation is successful, or a negative value otherwise.

int8_t z_subscriber_pull(const z_pull_subscriber_t sub)

Pulls data for z_owned_pull_subscriber_t. The pulled data will be provided by calling the callback function provided to the z_declare_pull_subscriber() function.


Returns 0 if the pull operation is successful, or a negative value otherwise.

z_queryable_options_t z_queryable_options_default(void)

Constructs the default values for the queryable entity.


Returns the constructed z_queryable_options_t.

z_owned_queryable_t z_declare_queryable(z_session_t zs, z_keyexpr_t keyexpr, z_owned_closure_query_t *callback, const z_queryable_options_t *options)

Declares a queryable for the given keyexpr.

Received queries are processed by means of callbacks.

Like most z_owned_X_t types, you may obtain an instance of z_owned_queryable_t by loaning it using z_queryable_loan(&val). The z_loan(val) macro, available if your compiler supports C11’s _Generic, is equivalent to writing z_queryable_loan(&val).

Like all z_owned_X_t, an instance will be destroyed by any function which takes a mutable pointer to said instance, as this implies the instance’s inners were moved. To make this fact more obvious when reading your code, consider using z_move(val) instead of &val as the argument. After a z_move, val will still exist, but will no longer be valid. The destructors are double-drop-safe, but other functions will still trust that your val is valid.

To check if val is still valid, you may use z_queryable_check(&val) or z_check(val) if your compiler supports _Generic, which will return true if val is valid, or false otherwise.

  • zs – A loaned instance of the the z_session_t where to declare the subscriber.

  • keyexpr – A loaned instance of z_keyexpr_t to associate with the subscriber.

  • callback – A moved instance of z_owned_closure_query_t containg the callbacks to be called and the context

to pass to them. options: The options to apply to the queryable. If NULL is passed, the default options will be applied.


A z_owned_queryable_t with either a valid queryable or a failing queryable. Should the queryable be invalid, z_check(val) ing the returned value will return false.

int8_t z_undeclare_queryable(z_owned_queryable_t *queryable)

Undeclares the queryable generated by a call to z_declare_queryable().


Returns 0 if the undeclare queryable operation is successful, or a negative value otherwise.

int8_t z_query_reply(const z_query_t *query, const z_keyexpr_t keyexpr, const uint8_t *payload, size_t payload_len, const z_query_reply_options_t *options)

Sends a reply to a query.

This function must be called inside of a z_owned_closure_query_t callback associated to the z_owned_queryable_t, passing the received query as parameters of the callback function. This function can be called multiple times to send multiple replies to a query. The reply will be considered complete when the callback returns.

  • query – Pointer to the received query.

  • keyexpr – A loaned instance of z_keyexpr_t to associate with the subscriber.

  • payload – Pointer to the data to put.

  • payload_len – The length of the payload.

  • options – The options to apply to the send query reply operation. If NULL is passed, the default options will be



Returns 0 if the send query reply operation is successful, or a negative value otherwise.

z_owned_reply_t z_reply_null(void)

Returns an invalidated z_owned_reply_t.

This is useful when you wish to take ownership of a value from a callback to z_get():

  • copy the value of the callback’s argument’s pointee,

  • overwrite the pointee with this function’s return value,

  • you are now responsible for dropping your copy of the reply.

_Bool z_reply_is_ok(const z_owned_reply_t *reply)

Checks if the queryable answered with an OK, which allows this value to be treated as a sample.

If this returns false, you should use z_check before trying to use z_reply_err() if you want to process the error that may be here.

  • reply – Pointer to the received query reply.


Returns true if the queryable answered with an OK, which allows this value to be treated as a sample, or

false otherwise.

z_sample_t z_reply_ok(z_owned_reply_t *reply)

Yields the contents of the reply by asserting it indicates a success.

You should always make sure that z_reply_is_ok() returns true before calling this function.

  • reply – Pointer to the received query reply.


Returns the z_sample_t wrapped in the query reply.

z_value_t z_reply_err(const z_owned_reply_t *reply)

Yields the contents of the reply by asserting it indicates a failure.

You should always make sure that z_reply_is_ok() returns false before calling this function.

  • reply – Pointer to the received query reply.


Returns the z_value_t wrapped in the query reply.

zp_task_read_options_t zp_task_read_options_default(void)

Multi Thread Taks helpers

Constructs the default values for the session read task.


Returns the constructed zp_task_read_options_t.

int8_t zp_start_read_task(z_session_t zs, const zp_task_read_options_t *options)

Start a separate task to read from the network and process the messages as soon as they are received.

Note that the task can be implemented in form of thread, process, etc. and its implementation is platform-dependent.

  • zs – A loaned instance of the the z_session_t where to start the read task.

  • options – The options to apply when starting the read task. If NULL is passed, the default options will be



Returns 0 if the read task started successfully, or a negative value otherwise.

int8_t zp_stop_read_task(z_session_t zs)

Stop the read task.

This may result in stopping a thread or a process depending on the target platform.

  • zs – A loaned instance of the the z_session_t where to stop the read task.


Returns 0 if the read task stopped successfully, or a negative value otherwise.

zp_task_lease_options_t zp_task_lease_options_default(void)

Constructs the default values for the session lease task.


Returns the constructed zp_task_lease_options_t.

int8_t zp_start_lease_task(z_session_t zs, const zp_task_lease_options_t *options)

Start a separate task to handle the session lease.

This task will send KeepAlive messages when needed and will close the session when the lease is expired. When operating over a multicast transport, it also periodically sends the Join messages. Note that the task can be implemented in form of thread, process, etc. and its implementation is platform-dependent.

  • zs – A loaned instance of the the z_session_t where to start the lease task.

  • options – The options to apply when starting the lease task. If NULL is passed, the default options will be



Returns 0 if the lease task started successfully, or a negative value otherwise.

int8_t zp_stop_lease_task(z_session_t zs)

Stop the lease task.

This may result in stopping a thread or a process depending on the target platform.

  • zs – A loaned instance of the the z_session_t where to stop the lease task.


Returns 0 if the lease task stopped successfully, or a negative value otherwise.

zp_read_options_t zp_read_options_default(void)

Single Thread helpers

Constructs the default values for the reading procedure.


Returns the constructed zp_read_options_t.

int8_t zp_read(z_session_t zs, const zp_read_options_t *options)

Triggers a single execution of reading procedure from the network and processes of any received the message.

  • zs – A loaned instance of the the z_session_t where trigger the reading procedure.

  • options – The options to apply to the read. If NULL is passed, the default options will be



Returns 0 if the reading procedure was executed successfully, or a negative value otherwise.

zp_send_keep_alive_options_t zp_send_keep_alive_options_default(void)

Constructs the default values for sending the keep alive.


Returns the constructed zp_send_keep_alive_options_t.

int8_t zp_send_keep_alive(z_session_t zs, const zp_send_keep_alive_options_t *options)

Triggers a single execution of keep alive procedure.

It will send KeepAlive messages when needed and will close the session when the lease is expired.

  • zs – A loaned instance of the the z_session_t where trigger the leasing procedure.

  • options – The options to apply to the send of a KeepAlive messages. If NULL is passed, the default options

will be applied.


Returns 0 if the leasing procedure was executed successfully, or a negative value otherwise.